Moving House

Moving from one home to another at any given time in life can be difficult, however doing it as a family or as newly-weds can take away the stress that comes with relocating your home. Many hands make light work. Packing up boxes, organising your possessions into multiple categories such as bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room and so on can establish the meaning of importance of your items to you and your spouse. It's time's like this you really sit down and talk about what is most important to you. You start to realise that you have accumulated a lot of things throughout the years, having more stuff than you thought, and learn a lot about what items you find "valuable".

Moving is something that reminds me of a my childhood, because we moved a lot, but it was also something that brought joy into our lives because we had a lot of fun doing it. Knowing where everything goes and creating a packing method is something that can de-stress multiple moving day complications. Collect boxes, bubble wrap and newspaper ahead of time and label all your boxes by category. This will help you from having arguments about what goes in what box when running out of time to pack before moving day. Although I thought my Dad was crazy to create a document that had a table with what box had what in it and what number it was, creating such an organised packing method is golden. Trust me, you'll thank yourself for the idea later.

Packing your belongings into boxes to move house in the same town is very different to moving overseas. Although I've experienced both it's never easy to get use to the process. I find adding an element of fun can help move the process along quicker and keep your spirits up, especially when you mother says, "no, we can't take that". A sad moment can turn into a fun moment in a matter of minutes with an impromptu competition of, who can pop the most bubbles in the roll of bubble wrap in under a minute. Sadly, I never win. I married a bubble wrap professional though, but that is totally beside the point.

I have a spouse who has a HUGE obsession with bubble wrap, so much so that for Christmas two years ago he was super excited for me to open my gift. Talking about it for at least two months ahead of time when he had bought my gift and placed it under the tree. The smallest box I have ever seen contained a 4 by 4-electronic bubble wrap key chain. Opening it on Christmas morning I was not surprised at all. I have a confession to make; I may or may not still have the electronic bubble wrap. It may have been lost in our last move. *insert huge smile*

Remember that when it comes to moving into a new home it’s all about preparation, labelling and creating a stress free process. My husband amazes me today at how calm he gets when it comes to moving. Maybe its because he has done it more than five times in the last 4 years. I have to remember that my way may not always be the best way and to let the compilation of both our ideas make the whole process WORK!

- Mrs

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