Marriage is hard, yet so rewarding

For those of you who are thinking about getting married or are planning to get married, so that you can be more prepared than we were, allow us to warn you: being married is HARD. However, on the flip side it is the best decision you will ever make!

Up to now you have spent a lot of energy learning how to deal with sad and lonely moments in your life. On the other hand you have enjoyed happy, joyful and exciting moments. In a marriage, both the good and the bad times will affect not only you but also your partner. While this can be fantastic and incredible when sharing the good times, it can be extremely challenging when sharing the difficult. Throughout these challenges, it is important that you do not neglect your spouse or relationship because when you rise above it (and you will even though it may not seem like it) you’ll see that because of those times your relationship was strengthened.

There are multiple moments where you just wish your spouse would leave you be. You may not want to drag them into your downward spiral of anger, annoyance, frustration or plain heartache. While remembering that to some, experiencing the biggest of heartaches can feel the same as the smallest of hard situations, it is the way in which you both handle the struggle that will establish a desired grateful outcome.

Fortunately marriage was made for both to experience the journey of sadness and at times failure together. There is nothing wrong with bringing your spouse with you for the ride. It is the trip down a bumpy road that will help strengthen you personally and two key parts of your marriage. Firstly, the importance to communicate effectively, and secondly, the need to clearly understand each other’s process of coping. All couples do not cope in the same way which is why understanding the different way your partner copes help strengthen you both. This allows you to experience a thankfulness for sharing the heavy load together, whilst learning about your spouses action and reaction to particular situations.

Through some of the simplest daily occurrences such as, where the tea towel goes in the kitchen, on what day to do laundry, where the keys should be kept when you are at home, who handles the mail and multiple other daily activities you and your spouse will establish a regular schedule and a respect for who makes the choices of not only the simple things but also the hard decisions.

TL;DR - Though marriage is hard the journey you take towards happiness, establishes the rewarding outcomes you experiences as a couple. Going through the hard emotional steps of any situation can enhance the excitement of accomplishment through the good and bad time of any marriage.

- Mr & Mrs

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